As we always pay attention to the quality of products, we have chosen to have full-time inspectors only from selecting blocks of G654-V directly on the quarry and cutting it to size to reduce waste (and your costs), to check each slab in detail as spots, lines, veins, cavity, scratches, etc.
Finally, by infrared cutting machine, slabs are cut to the required size, and once again, our QC checks everything from size to angle or polish degree. They are willing to reject the products if it is not as required before the workers put it into the wooden crate.
We choose the good quality of wooden material, spunk is not accepted. All wooden packages (crates, pallets) are fumigated, have fumigation marks.
Under strict quality control and management system, Pagoda-Build Vietnam pride is to bring good quality of G654 Dark Grey Granite at the close-to-cost price to clients in the world.
If you are interested in our granite, please do not hesitate to write to us: or message us on WhatsApp: +84 905 882727 or +84 965 056953